Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Granddaddy's Coffee

Oh man my granddaddy was mean & yet OH SO FUNNY.  He had gotten sick in his latter years and one week my grandmother went out of town and asked me to come down and stay with him.  Of course I said yes.
I get up that first day and start making him the best breakfast EVER!  I'm talking Cracker Barrel ya'll, good stuff.  I had a vision!
So when it gets to coffee, I was not a coffee drinker and dagg on sure wasn't the barista of the family.  Well when I go to make the coffee, Ma-Ma kept it in a container with a scoop on the side and there were no instructions, so like any normal person I called my mom.  She didn't answer, so I looked and thought about this thang logically...you can't possibly need more than one of those for some coffee.  That wouldn't make sense.  With everything that's like premade-ish, you use 1:1 ratio right?

The coffee starts coming out & I'm thinking "maybe it looks darker when it's all in the pot together"  The pot finishes and I picked it up, swirled it around, and thought "something about this isn't quite right".

I kept on with the plan, like maybe he won't notice - yeah right.  I set everything up for my granddaddy and went back into the kitchen.  They have a pass-thru window so I was peeking through to see what he thought.  I felt like Celie on The Color Purple watching Mr. cook for Sugg Avery lol

Well...he says "Ay-yesha...I love you honey but if you want Kelly to marry you, never ever make him any coffee"
Good googly I was embarrassed and there was nothing I could do.  I tucked my head and turned away.  We laughed soooooooo hard about that coffee all day and for years to come.

I miss that little man